Sensibly, LLC: Artificial Pancreas
Formed in 2012
Sensibly is a bi-hormonal insulin pump for Type 1 Diabetics. Including both Insulin and Glucagon in conjunction with a continuous blood glucose monitor, Sensibly acts as an external artificial pancreas.
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Sensibly, LLC is a company that started as a thesis project by one of our designers. He is a Type 1 Diabetic, and used his knowledge and experience to the advantage of the project.
Basic understanding
Insulin is a hormone released by the pancreas that regulates glucose levels in the blood stream by allowing it to enter your cells. The pancreases of Type 1 Diabetics do not produce insulin.
Delicate balance
Due to the body's inability to create insulin, it is a constant struggle to maintain good blood glucose levels with Type 1 Diabetes
Emerging technologies
As of the year this project was conducted, new technologies became available for diabetes management, but they had not been incorporated into a single automated system.
Design phase
Through sketching and model making, ideas were parsed down and realistic forms were identified in relation to engineering requirements.
First step
Though the final execution of Sensibly is not available for public viewing, this represents the initial design outcome. Incorporating all elements of the insulin regimen into one automated unit acts as an artificial pancreas to treat the disease.
Everyday Improvements
The ultimate goal of the project was achieved by dramatically lessening the burden that Type 1 Diabetes has on the patient, and providing a solution that makes diabetes management much safer and more reliable.
Flushing out ideas
Type 1 Diabetes is also known as Juvenile Diabetes due to the age that it is often diagnosed. Interface designs sought to provide only the necessary information, and to highlight the information that will be most relevant to users of all ages.
Investment round
Sensibly, LLC entered a successful investment round which allowed for the building of a prototype and filing a utility patent.